Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | display | multimedia software | software | multimedia OCR: Computer Drawing 06:06 Raytracing Yep, I hope somebody got something out Raytracing takes maybe the most out of your computer. It's an easy way of of this. creating Stunning graphics. The Juss i /Anathema computer does all the pixel artist's But, raytracing isn't so ---- Artist ---- hard work. easy after all, Modelling objects and End. scenes can take as much or more time than PixelLing 320x256 256 colour pictures . Light sources and materials are always a pain in the ass. Here you come up with the same problems as photographers . The Lighting must be just right. You could write a book about raytracing and 3D-modelling. Raytracing makes you greedy for better computers. Nothing feels fast enough, Your machine never has enough memory and hard-disk space. Getting into raytracing can Lead your into witch circle. Music Print First Next EQ's Help Last Previous Index «